In the latest Diggnation (#160) Kevin Rose is sporting a new Obama sticker on his MacBook Pro. He has added a few new stickers in the past few weeks, including Pownce, Revision3, & Digg.
This is interesting... Kevin Rose has contributed some cash to the Barack Obama campaign.
It's not so much that it makes us average (non-Internet Superstar) folks feel jealous or inadequate, but it is enough to encourage the rest of us to put-up or shut-up.
Pretty cool to see a guy with ideals and ideas put some cash into the process. -Sheffus
A half-time brawl between fans of West Ham and a local team during a "friendly" game in Ohio has provided Americans with a taste of British football hooliganism.
I think we've all seen enough abuse of the images from the September 11th attacks. From the Bush campaign of 2004, to the Giuliani primary campaign, to the numerous companies cashing in on the rise in patriotism after the attacks. Now some imbecile in Florida is using a huge billboard with a picture of the burning towers to
1) urge that viewers "Don't Vote for a Democrat" and 2) buy his crappy CD.
This is a good article on it. Yeah, whatever, you A55hat.
To blame the democrats for the 9/11 attacks is reprehensible, but to try and sell your god-awful 'music' based on the death of thousands is just despicable.